I Have Finally Found Out How to Pray

By Wuruo Prayer is the bridge for us to have a spiritual communication with God. God is the Spirit; only when we use our heart and honesty to worship Him, can we enter into a genuine connection and establish a proper relationship with Him. After acceptin...

How Can Christians Pray in Accordance With God’s Will?

By Xin Ling One day, I happened to see a very interesting story in my son’s weekly school magazine: A little girl tripped up on an examination question: She answered that the capital of America was New York rather than Washington. So she prayed, and aske...

Surrendering to God’s Sovereignty and Witnessing God’s Marvelous Actions

By Yin Li On the fourteenth day of the twelfth lunar month in 2015, my wife and I were doing our laundry in nice weather. When night fell and my wife was just about to have a rest, she suddenly was sweating all over and looked uncomfortable, so I hurriedly ...

Terrified by a Car Accident, I Relied on God and Witnessed His Almightiness and Sovereignty

By Liu Lan In December of 2015, I accepted God’s salvation in the last days. Through reading God’s words, I knew that God’s authority and power are unique, that the living and dead are all in God’s hands, and that the disaster is also orchestrated by God. T...

Experiencing God’s Salvation in Times of Peril

By Gangqiang The year when I first went to work in the city, one of my relatives persuaded me to believe in Bodhisattva, saying that Bodhisattva would protect me in disasters if I believed. I thought at that time: I just want to find a reliance that will sa...

A Kitchen Tale

By Liangliang “Do you think I’m handsome? What do you say?” asked Chef Erpang abruptly in the back kitchen. He stood 1.7 meters and weighed nearly 90 kg. We roared with laughter and said jokingly, “Yes, yes, yes. You’re so good-looking. …'' After laughing, ...

I Have Understood How to Pray to Be Heard by God

By Liu Shuo One day, I came back home from the church meeting, my legs aching. I sat on my bed, patting my two legs and humming a hymn quietly, “We have to praise Jehovah, because all things are out of Him. He is the Ruler of the heavens and earth and all t...

I Saw God’s Almightiness and Sovereignty in a Fire

By Jizhen One day in late October of 2014, at past 3 p.m., my husband ran home in a great fluster. As soon as he crossed the threshold, he said breathlessly, “A large fire has broken out in the north fields. It’s going to spread to our house. There is no ti...

In Times of Illness, How Should Christians Pray in a Way That Aligns With God’s Will?

By Su Yu The sky was particularly quiet at night, filled with stars, which decorated the sky and made the sky warm and full of magical feeling. But a Christian named Liu Xin was in no mood to enjoy this night scene. Instead, she showed a painful and sad exp...

By Relying on God, She Recovered From Her Late-Stage Cancer

By Xiaojuan Xiaojuan had suffered from a stomach problem for some time. She couldn’t help but think of her dead relatives: Her mother died of rectal cancer long ago; after a period of several years, so did her elder sister and elder brother; later, one of h...

In a Dangerous Caesarean Section, I Sincerely Relied on God and Gained Protection

By Jiang Li My daughter has already begun walking, but I still clearly remember the “pain” that had happened to me on the day of her birth. I am very happy to be looking at her smile today, but all this happiness was hard fought. If it weren’t for God’s sal...

In Danger, God Is My Only Support

By Liu Cheng In 2002, my wife and I accepted God’s work of the last days. Through reading God’s words, I knew that man’s life comes from God and each person’s fate in life is ruled over and arranged by God. However, in actual life, I was busy earning money ...

After the Lord Jesus Performed Miracles, Why Did He Tell Others, “See That No Man Know It”?

By Wang Hong Matthew 8:4 records that after the Lord Jesus cured a man of leprosy, He said to him, “See you tell no man; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.” Matthew 9:30 shows that...

What Is the True Faith in God?

By Miao Xiao Every brother and sister in the Lord has their own different experiences of coming before God. However, so similar are most Christians’ experiences of faith in God after believing in the Lord: We read the Bible and pray to the Lord day after da...

I’ve Learned to Rely on God in the Face of Difficulties

By Titie After I got married, my husband was always dissatisfied with me. He often said to me, “See! You are useless.” His criticisms made me very sad and defiant. From then on, I thought I had to work hard by myself and not let others look down upon me. Be...

I Find a Happy Life

By Kemu I was born into a normal peasant family. My mother was diligent and hardworking, while my father was a lazy alcoholic. Every time he lost his temper with my mother after getting drunk, my younger brother and I would hide under the quilt with fear. L...

God Is My Only Support When I Was Suffering From Illness

By Shi Mei By October 14, 2015, it had been snowing hard for days on end, leaving thick, white snow on the ground and on the roof of my house. In the morning when the snow stopped, I went to the courtyard to sweep away the snow on the garden shed. Unexpecte...

Sincerely Depending on God in All Things Is the Wise Choice (II)

Jing Xin Most of my clients speak English, and in order to keep my job, I need to improve my English. In fact, I also want to learn English well, so that I can evangelize to foreigners. Therefore, I threw myself into learning English. I prayed to God at fir...

Sincerely Depending on God in All Things Is the Wise Choice (I)

Jing Xin I came to the United States alone in 2012 and I met Sister Wendy through God’s amazing plan in June 2017. She bore witness to me God’s work in the last days, God’s creation of the universe and all things, God’s three stages of work to save humans, ...

Experiencing God’s Words in My Real Life, I See God’s Deeds

By Xin Xin In order to live, I rented the second floor of a shopfront, starting a cosmetics shop. Although it is not that popular, my income is enough for my yearly expenses. I live a simple life year after year. In the winter of 2015, my friend came to fin...

By Sincerely Relying on God, You Will See a Miracle

By Xiaoping Every time when I think about the viral Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (HFMD) in 2012, my heart is still fluttering with fear. This sudden plague caused a particularly high mortality rate among the kids suffering from HFMD. My son was one of them. Howe...

Emerging From the Haze of My Husband’s Betrayal, I’ve Found True Life

By Lin Min The Expectation of Dreams My parents had quarreled with each other every day since I could remember. I often thought: Maybe Cupid has made a mistake. Otherwise, why do they always quarrel with each other? I won’t do that as they do when I grow...

In the Shocking Moment, It Was God Who Saved Me

By Zong Mei In May 2012, I accepted the kingdom gospel of God. Although I believed in God, I only considered believing in God as a religious belief, and felt that it was all right for me to believe and confess just in my heart. When the brothers and sisters...

A Rumpus at Midnight

By Xia Tian Through the windows and blinds the silvery moonlight filtered into the bedroom. Xiadong opened her dry and sleepy eyes a little. She took a look at her thirteen-year-old son and ten-year-old daughter. It was time for her to call the children to ...

Obeying God’s Sovereignty Brings a Light to My Life

By Xiaoyu Under the influence of my 16 years of school career, from primary school to the university, my mind was occupied with satanic philosophies and theories. I wanted to rely on my knowledge and my hands to fight for an enviable life, owning mansions a...

Testimony to God’s Grace: I Recovered From Illness Due to God’s Wondrous Protection

By Xinzhi When I was young, my family was poor. My mother had mental illness, so the heavy burden of my family fell upon my father alone. He had traveled many places to seek a cure for my mother’s illness but to no avail. At that time I thought: I must stud...

In a Crisis, Whom Can We Lean On?

By Xinzhi Believing in God, although I often read God’s word, attended meetings and fellowshiped with brothers and sisters, I had little knowledge of God’s almightiness and sovereignty. When my wife encountered a disaster and was on the verge of death, I sa...

In a Flood, God Protected Me From Danger

By Chunxia On August 3, 2017, it drizzled all day. In the evening, it was raining harder and harder to the point that torrential rain was pouring down. I heard the news of some villagers evacuating the country. At that point, I packed the books of God’s wor...

What I Gained After Getting Cancer

By Wu Dan My family was poor when I was young, and I lived a tough life and was often jeered and sneered at by my relatives and friends. From that point on, I made up my mind: I must make a lot of money and live a rich life in the future, so that others wil...

During My Career, I Learned to Rely on God

By Tangtang, Japan On April 9, 2017, I came to Japan from China. And on the fourth day, I went to work in a car fitting factory—to mat produced-fittings with grinding tools. The temperature was over 40 Celsius degrees in the workshop with no air conditionin...

Looking for a Job Abroad: By Relying on God, I Gained More Than a Job

By Jiejing In April, 2015, I came to Japan, a beautiful country which I had been longing for for a long time. Seeing the good environment and citizenship here, I was eager to find a job, so that I could reside here. Later, a senior told me that it was di...

In a Sudden Car Accident, God’s Saved Me

By Yaru, Sweden One morning in November, 2015, the road was slippery because of the ice, and I was driving my motorcycle home. When I was about five hundred meters from a T-junction, I saw a silver-white car parked near it. Without knowing that the car was ...

By Relying on God, I Gained More Than a Satisfying Job

By Lele, South Korea A single person, a huge suitcase, an international flight, an unfamiliar city in a foreign country: that was the scene when I went abroad for the first time in my life. With no family or friends or acquaintances around me I had never be...

After She Obeyed God’s Orchestration, She Was Miraculously Recovered

By Xiaojuan I have believed in God for many years, but in the past I had little understanding of God because I didn’t pursue the truth. When things happened, I seldom relied on God or looked to God, but just did as I wanted. There was no place for God in my...

By Truly Relying on the Lord, She Survived Leukemia

By Ruan Ling, United States Ping was lying still on her sickbed, her face pale in the reflection of the lamplight. Since she had leukemia, she had been very depressed. Seeing patients in the ward pass away one after another, she felt fearful and helpless...

By My Relying on God, My Son Was Cured of Congenital Deafness

By Chen Xin Actually, when he could hear sound and call mama, my son was already over three years old. At more than one year old, he was diagnosed with congenital deafness. From then to the time when he could hear and speak, it was a particularly long proce...

An Old Woman With Intestinal Cancer: She Miraculously Escaped Death by Relying on God (II)

By Liu Wen God Revealed His Almightiness and So I Escaped Death As my relatives thought that I must die of the illness, they all came to the hospital to visit me, and had a discussion about preparing for my passing. When I was about to have the operation...

An Old Woman With Intestinal Cancer: She Miraculously Escaped Death by Relying on God (I)

By Liu Wen My name is Liu Wen, and I am 79 years old. In 2006, I accepted God’s work of the last days. Then I performed hosting duty in the church. With hospitality, I often received the brothers and sisters who came for gatherings and I never made complain...

After Receiving 46 Bumblebee Stings, I Saw God’s Wondrous Deeds by Sincerely Relying on God

By Yang Li It was one day in November 2017. As early winter is the right time to dig herbs to make money, after breakfast, I went to the mountain with tools to dig roots of atractylodes (a kind of herb). I walked searching for it, and around noon I arrived ...

By Relying on God, I Was Saved by God in My Life-and-Death Moment

By Ping’an, China My name is Ping’an and I am 65 years old. At midnight on December 11, 2015, I suddenly had a heart attack. My heart started pumping very fast and I suddenly got short of breath. After a while, it felt as if my heart stopped beating for ove...

What Prayers Does God Accept?

By Chengxin Common Problems in Prayer We see someone praying for a long time, saying many things and speaking pleasant words, and we believe them to be a spiritual person who has a normal relationship with God, and that God will surely hear the prayers o...

Who Is My Rock in Times of Life and Death?

My name is Liu Mei and I’m 62. Earlier this year, a sudden illness affected me and made me quite helpless. In that life-and-death crisis, I had no family by my side and I could only pray to God and rely on Him to save me. Through the experience, I saw that lif...

How an Eighty-Year-Old Christian Survived the Flood

By Xinsheng, China My wife and I are both over 80 this year and live on a hillside in the mountains. After believing in God, with His grace and protection, we two elderly folks are in good health. To repay God’s love, we perform the duty of safeguarding the...

How to Pray to Be Heard by God

By Cindy, United States All believers in God know that praying is the only way through which our spirits can connect with God’s Spirit, and that we cannot practice our faith without it. However, many of us have no idea what true prayer is though we make pra...

Why Should We Christians Pray Without Ceasing?

What does praying without ceasing refer to? Regarding the apostle Paul’s words “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), many people interpret them as constantly speaking to God and consider it a very difficult thing to accomplish. In fact, praying witho...

3 Easy Steps Toward True Prayer You Can Take

Hello, brothers and sisters! Recently, I have often gotten angry about some trifles for no reason at home. When I found my husband and my child had many faults, I prayed to the Lord and asked Him to keep my heart quiet and change their faults. But why could I ...

Why Doesn’t the Lord Answer Our Prayers?

Xiaomei Brothers and sisters, peace to you in the Lord. Today let’s fellowship about the truth regarding prayer. As is known to all believers in the Lord, prayer is indispensable to us followers. If a Christian does not pray, he does not deserve to be called ...

Do You Know the Secret of Praying?

By Xiao Zheng It is known to each of us who believes in God that prayer is vital for our understanding the truth and practicing God’s requirements of us. Whatever tribulations we face, whatever difficulties we encounter in life, or whenever we desire to gai...

What Kind of Prayers Will God Listen To?

By Cheng Shi Prayer is a way for us Christians to maintain a proper relationship with God. Especially, prayers in the morning and at night are indispensable. Although Brother Zhang insisted on praying every day, he still felt the Lord didn’t listen to his p...

How Can We Pray Rationally?

By Xin Ling One day, I happened to see such an interesting story in my son’s Pupil Weekly: A little girl tripped on an examination question. She answered the capital of America was New York rather than Washington. So she prayed, and asked God to move its...

I Build a Correct View on Faith in God After Experiencing an Illness

By Amelie, France Recently, I read an article about prayer on the internet, which caused me to recollect my former attitude toward prayer. When I was 9, I turned to the Lord, for I saw the manifestation of the Lord’s power in my mother. Having suffered many...

How to Pray Rationally for Our Ill Child

Prayer is an important way in which we establish a proper relationship with God. But why sometimes doesn’t God hear our prayers? How should we pray to receive God’s praise? I was confused by these problems in the past. But now I have a new knowledge of prayer ...

What Is True Prayer That Is in Accordance With the Lord’s Will?

By Zhang Xiaoping, China We Christians are all clear that praying is essential in our daily life. But as for why we need to pray, and what kind of prayers conform to the Lord’s will, we fail to explain these details clearly. We usually pray according to our...

I Know How to Pray Rationally

By Bai Wei, China One day I got a call from my daughter, and she said, “Mom, the relocation certificate of my residence has been sent here from the hinterland, but my work is keeping me busy. Please help me get it registered at the relevant local department...

You Will Have Unexpected Gain After Being Quiet Before God

By Becky, United States It’s not easy for us Christians to learn to keep quiet before God in daily life, because our life is always occupied with something. We either are busy working and doing service or immerse ourselves in social media and the Internet, ...

Do Not Forget to Get Close to God Due to Busy Work

By Yi Mi It is said in the Bible that “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds throu...

How to Pray so That the Lord Will Listen

We pray to the Lord every day, but do you know what types of prayers the Lord doesn’t listen to? How can your prayers be accepted by the Lord? After reading the article “What Prayers God Doesn’t Listen to? How to Pray in Accord With God’s Will,” you will find ...

How Does the Lord Answer Our Prayers?

By Wang Nan Many brothers and sisters in the Lord have such confusion: “I also sincerely prayed to the Lord, but it seemed that the Lord did not listen to and answer my prayers.” We are often confused by this. How can this happen? Is the Lord not the One who ...

3 Principles of Prayer Christians Should Grasp

By Yuhua, China One day, I sought from one of my friends, who believes in God, about the matter of prayer: “Many times when I pray to God, I cannot see the leadership and guidance of God, nor do I know how to pray in a way that conforms to God’s will.” Hea...

Why Should We Christians Pray? Will God Listen to Our Prayers?

Hello brothers and sisters of Overcoming Church, Good day! Not long ago my elder sister preached the gospel of the Lord Jesus to me. After joining the church, I was told by my elder sister that every day we need to pray to the Lord. At that time I was confu...

Why Doesn’t the Lord Answer Our Prayers?

Xiaomei Brothers and sisters, peace to you in the Lord. Today let’s fellowship about the truth regarding prayer. As is known to all believers in the Lord, prayer is indispensable to us followers. If a Christian does not pray, he does not deserve to be c...

If You Keep Doing These Three Aspects of Prayers, You Will Get Closer and Closer to God

Every one of us who has faith in the Lord has known and experienced that prayer is very important, but we seldom think about whether our prayers are in accord with the Lord’s will. Some time ago, I read some spiritual books on the Internet and came to kn...