After Prayer, I Saw the Miracle in Desperation

October 10, 2024

By Li Qiang

About 6 p.m. on December 20, 2011, my husband and I were loading cargo in a goods yard in Guangzhou. Suddenly, my husband’s cellphone rang. Seeing it was my family, I quickly received it and heard my younger brother anxiously cried: “Sister, hurry home! Your son was hit by a car and has been rushed to hospital now.” On hearing this, I could hardly believe my ears and was startled at heart: How could my son be hit by a car? Hearing my brother urged me so anxiously, I realized that my son must be struck badly. Oh, God! My son is my life! If he died, how should I live on? …

Immediately, I hurried home overnight by air and went to the ICU of the hospital. My son was lying on the sickbed, motionless; an oxygen tube was inserted in his nose, and the electrodes of a cardiograph were attached to his fingers. I saw there was no obvious trauma on his whole body, but when I pulled his little hands and scratched his arches, he was unconscious. Seeing my son was hit like this, I bent over him and cried outright. At that time, the doctor and nurses came in. My husband and I begged: “Doctor, please, please save my son!” The doctor said heavily: “I can only try my best, but I cannot guarantee anything. Your son was hit on his head and his condition was serious. It just depends on whether he can get through this night. But even if he can, he will be in a vegetative state. Your brother has signed the critical condition notice.” Seeing my son lying there without moving or opening his eyes, I felt despair.

The next day, seeing my son still didn’t wake up, I was even more worried: Will my son really become a vegetable as what the doctor said? What if he is bed-bound all his life? Just when I was helpless, accidentally, I saw an old man was praying for his son in the corridor of the hospital. Then I suddenly thought that: Why didn’t I know to rely on God? So I hastened to pray to God in my heart: “Oh, God! When encountering such an event, I don’t know what to do. God, may You protect my heart. My son’s life and death are in Your hand. I have no way but to rely on You and look up to You.” After prayer, I thought of one sentence of God’s words: “God presides over the fate of all mankind.” God’s word gave me some motivation. That’s right! Everyone’s fate is ruled over by God, so is my son’s. I should yield my son’s illness to God and allow Him to take charge of. God’s word comforted my heart and I was not so nervous. But I was still unsure whether my son would wake up or not. So in the following days, I watched my son through the window of the ICU every day. But, he still remained unconscious. I was so anxious that I couldn’t sit or stand in peace and was unable to eat except for drinking some water. I stared at the ICU and begged God ceaselessly in my heart: “God! Several days passed, but my son still didn’t wake up. God, may You protect me from complaining. I’m willing to rely on You sincerely.” On the ninth night, I really couldn’t hold on that I fell asleep at the gate of the ICU. “Sister, sister. Hurry up! The child has woken up!” Hearing my brother’s call, I startled: “What? Does he really wake up?” My brother said excitedly: “Yes! It’s real! I called him and he answered me!” Upon hearing this, I rose and rushed into the ICU. Seeing my son was still lying on the bed without moving or opening his eyes, I bent over and whispered in his ear: “Son, son …” My son still didn’t open his eyes but replied to me in a low voice. Hearing his response, my heart was finally released. I excitedly bent over my son’s face and shed tears in spite of myself. I thanked God in my heart ceaselessly: “God, it’s all because of Your care and protection that my son could wake up. You really are the only true Almighty God, full of great power. At that time, my son was even confirmed in a critical condition by the doctor, but now he has woken up; it’s all Your wondrous deeds. I genuinely thank You!”

After my son woke up, he ached unbearably and was unable to speak. His hands and feet kept flailing and he even tried to pull the oxygen tube and feeding tube, without a moment’s pause. Having no choice, the doctor tied his hands and feet to the bed with towels, and we four families watched over him by turns. Seeing my son like this, I felt even worse in my heart, so I prayed to God: “God! My son has woken up, but seeing he was bound like being tortured, I feel stung and afraid. What if he is always like this? God, I’m willing to continue delivering my son to Your hand.” After prayer, I thought of God’s words: “Faith is like a single log bridge, those who cling abjectly to life will have difficulty in crossing it, but those who are ready to sacrifice themselves can pass over without worry. If man has timid and fearful thoughts, they are being fooled by Satan. It fears that we will cross the bridge of faith to enter into God. Satan devises every way possible to send us its thoughts, we should always pray that the light of God will shine on us, and we must always rely on God to purify us from Satan’s poison. We shall always be practicing in our spirits to come close to God. We shall let God have dominion over our whole being.” Through the enlightenment and guidance of God’s words, I knew that: My faith in God is too small so I always doubted God’s almightiness and sovereignty. Satan took this advantage to disturb my thoughts, which made me live in worry and anxiety. Luckily, the timely enlightenment of God’s words gave me a way of practice: When encountering difficulties, only if I come often before God and always look up to Him and pray to Him can I get rid of timid and fearful thoughts, can I stand with strength. So I prayed to God: “God! I’m willing to genuinely rely on You and allow You to reign in my heart. I believe that my son’s life is in Your hand.” After prayer, my heart calmed down a lot. Four or five days passed, my son gradually became quiet. Thank God for His care and protection.

After half a month, my son’s eyes opened and as his condition improved, he was transferred to a general ward. Because my son was hit on the head, there was blood stasis under his scalp. Because the nerve was pressed against, his mouth and eyes were wry, and one side of his body was unconscious and could not move. There was no trauma on his head, but when I felt it, it was as soft as a mature persimmon. I was in a panic, and fell into extreme pain again. I thought: If my son can’t recover from illness, won’t he become handicapped? Won’t his life be ruined? What should I do? Thinking of this, I suffered even more torment, afraid that my son couldn’t be well again. At that time, God’s word appeared in my mind once again: “God presides over the fate of all mankind.” That’s right! God rules over the fate of all mankind. Although at that time the doctor said that my son’s injuries were bad, now he has woken up. Isn’t this God’s wondrous deed? From this can be seen that my son’s life is in God’s hand and no single person has the final say. Whether my son will be recovered or not is in God’s hand, so what do I have to worry about? Once again, God’s words gave me faith and strength and my heart was set free.

After over twenty days, my son’s mouth and eyes gradually returned to normal and he could also get out of bed to walk. At that time, doctors, nurses and people in the ward all said amazedly: “The child is so lucky!” The head nurse held my son’s hand and said: “Child, do you know? When you were first sent here, we all worried about you while seeing you were quite unconscious. How frightening it was. To think that you are recovered so quickly. It’s really a miracle!” Hearing this, I thanked God ceaselessly in my heart: All of this is God’s deeds. It’s God’s authority and great power that made my son be well again so quickly! God’s wondrous deeds made me have more faith to face my son’s condition.

After several days, the blood stasis under my son’s scalp was still not eliminated. I was somewhat worried and asked the doctor: “What’s to be done about the blood stasis?” The doctor said: “Your son is too young to be operated on. We can only wait till he is fully recovered and then use a syringe to draw out the stasis from his head.” The doctor’s words hit my heart all of a sudden. Would my son’s IQ be influenced after the stasis was drawn out? Based on previous experiences, however, I knew that in the matter of my son’s condition, only God is my reliance. So I prayed to God and delivered my difficulty to Him: “God! Hearing the doctor said that the stasis in his head will be drawn out by a syringe after my son makes a full recovery, I still have worry and anxiety. My faith is too small and I didn’t know that everything is in Your hand, no matter what fate everyone has or how high his IQ is. God, I’m willing to let go of my own thoughts and worry, genuinely to rely on You and give my son to Your hand. May You protect my heart.” After several days, when I washed my son’s face, I felt his head and found that it was not so soft as before. After a reexamination, the doctor said in surprise: “Why? Why was the stasis eliminated without being drawn out? It’s a miracle!” I thought: God! Previously I was still worried that drawing out the stasis would influence my son’s IQ, but now he has been recovered miraculously. God, You are so almighty. I was so foolish. I have seen Your deeds but I still worried about my son. My worry is really unnecessary. After my son was hospitalized forty days, he was fully recovered. Just when we were happily ready to leave the hospital, the doctor came to us and said: “After you go back, pay more attention to your son’s condition. He may have epilepsy after two years.” Hearing the doctor’s words, I thought that I was helpless when my son’s condition was critical, and even the doctor couldn’t guarantee he would wake but I saw my son was fully recovered miraculously through relying on and praying to God. It was all God’s wondrous deeds. This time, I believed that whether there would exit sequelae in my son was also controlled and ruled over in God’s hand. Just as God’s words say: “The heart and spirit of man are held in the hand of God, and all the life of man is beheld in the eyes of God. Regardless of whether or not you believe this, any and all things, living or dead, will shift, change, renew, and disappear according to God’s thoughts. This is how God rules over all things.

This experience strengthened my faith in God, and made me truly realize that only God’s word is truth and can bestow life upon us, and that when I was in agony and despair, only God is my reliance. I also knew that God’s authority is unique, that God is the source of humans’ life, that all things are in God’s hand, and that our life and death are controlled by God. From then on, I’m willing to give my heart to God, believe in God and worship God well. So, in the following days, I actively attended meetings and read God’s words. Later on, I was uplifted by God to do my duty in the church.

Time flies. Gradually, seven years passed, but my son has no epilepsy; he is very healthy now. I deeply realize that man’s life and death are ruled over and arranged by God. This is God’s authority and power, and no single person can change it. It’s God who gave my son a second life. Thank God!

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