Terrified by a Car Accident, I Relied on God and Witnessed His Almightiness and Sovereignty

April 10, 2024

By Liu Lan

In December of 2015, I accepted God’s salvation in the last days. Through reading God’s words, I knew that God’s authority and power are unique, that the living and dead are all in God’s hands, and that the disaster is also orchestrated by God. The most memorable experience to me is a dramatic car accident on May 1, 2017, in which I truly witnessed God’s great power.

That day, my husband, his brother and sister-in-law, my younger sister, my brother-in-law (husband of my second sister), and I—the six of us had just attended my daughter’s wedding, and were on the way back. After getting off the train, we rented a minivan and headed for our homes. It was raining, foggy, and the sky was dim. Sitting in the car, I remembered that I could gather with my brothers and sisters the next day, and felt very glad.

We first sent my husband’s brother and his wife to their home, and then drove the minivan in the direction of my home. When it was over fifteen kilometers to the house, I saw the driver spinning the steering wheel back and forth. The vehicle was out of control, zigzagging on the road at high speed. I knew something was wrong. At the time, the other people in the minivan also realized this, and they asked the driver to slow down. “I just can’t control the car. The brakes failed, and it won’t stop! Strange!” The driver exclaimed nervously. Hearing this, we all got tense, everyone clutching the seat in front of them. I was scared. Just then, I thought of what my brothers and sisters previously fellowshiped: The disaster will not reach the true believers in God; God will care and protect them. These words relieved my fear somewhat. I prayed to God in my heart, entrusting all this to God and asking for His protection. Suddenly, with a loud thump, the minivan hit a huge stone alongside the mountain road, and immediately rebounded and went rolling. I was frightened out of my wits. My heart palpitated, my eyes widened, and my mind went blank. I just kept crying out inside: “God, rescue me! God, save me!” At that moment, I recalled a passage of God’s words: “Almighty God, the practical God! You are our impregnable fortress. You are our refuge. We huddle under Your wings, and calamity cannot reach us. Such is Your divine protection and care” (“Chapter 5” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning). God’s words gave me faith: God will care and protect me. Then I calmed down a lot. Just at this time, I saw God’s wonderful deeds. When the minivan was rolling and rolling, I felt that my clothes were pulled by something, and that my whole body was as if floating in the air, without touching anything in the vehicle. Meanwhile, my younger sister, in the same row of seats as me, bounced up and down several times before being stuck in her seat. She and other people kept crying “Ouch! Ouch!” After cartwheeling three times, the vehicle slipped down a hillside and came to rest upended at the bottom, a dozen meters off the road. At that time, only I sat unscathed in the vehicle. The driver and the front seat passenger were hung by their seatbelts, and my husband behind me was lying on my brother-in-law. I slowly climbed out of the car, and was shocked at the scene that met my eyes: The minivan was destroyed, crushed with only the frame left, and shards of shattered glass littered the immediate area. Then, a car and a motorcycle behind us stopped, and the drivers and passengers came to help pull my family out of the minivan. They were all blue in the face, crying and shouting, “Ouch!” “Ouch! It hurts so badly!” My husband got a hole in his head, which was covered with blood. My brother-in-law clenched his teeth in pain when he was helped out of the car, his hand pressed on his waist, and he couldn’t stand on his feet. My sister couldn’t move her left hand. Seeing them seriously injured, while feeling pain in my heart, I knew clearly that it was God who protected me amidst the crash, so that I was not hurt at all. I said repeatedly, “Thanks be to God! Thanks be to God!” At the time, our driver, blue with fear, came to me and asked if I was injured. “No, I’m not hurt. I believe in God. It was God who protected me. People who truly believe in God and worship God will be cared for and protected by God, and all disasters cannot reach them.” I replied. The driver kept nodding at what I said. My brother-in-law said, “You’re not injured because of your faith in God. What you believe in is indeed the true God!” I said, “Only by believing in God and worshiping God can we receive God’s care and protection. Thank God for saving our lives.” “Praise God!” said my brother-in-law.

Around twenty minutes later, traffic police officers and medical personnel arrived. We were sent to a hospital. My husband and the others were hospitalized. After tests, two ribs of my husband were found cracked, four ribs of my brother-in-law in his back broken, and the hand of my sister fractured. When a doctor told me to have a test, I said, “There is nothing wrong with me. I don’t need a test.” People were so surprised that they surrounded us and asked me, “Weren’t you together?” I replied, “Yes. We are family.” Then they said, “The others all got injured; why are you unscathed? You’re so fortunate.” “Yeah, you’re lucky. …” Hearing these words, I continued giving thanks to God in my heart, and said, “I believe in God. It was not luck but God’s protection that saved me. Had it not been for God’s protection, I couldn’t have emerged from the accident safe and sound.” That very day, the victims of five car accidents were sent to this hospital, suffering broken legs or hands, or going blind. Seeing they were all injured so gravely while I alone was not hurt at all in such a big accident, I knew it was because of God’ great power and His miraculous protection for me! At that moment, I truly recognized that only by coming before God to worship Him can one have peace and joy and receive His care and protection. If one strays from God and loses His care and protection, the disaster can befall them at any time. God is the only salvation of us human beings.

God’s word says, “His deeds are omnipresent, His power is omnipresent, His wisdom is omnipresent, and His authority is omnipresent. Each of these laws and rules is the embodiment of His deeds, and each one reveals His wisdom and authority. Who can exempt themselves from His sovereignty? And who can discharge themselves from His designs? All things exist beneath His gaze, and moreover, all things live under His sovereignty. His deeds and His power leave mankind with no choice but to acknowledge the fact that He really does exist and holds sovereignty over all things. Nothing apart from Him can command the universe, much less endlessly provide for this mankind. Regardless of whether you are able to recognize God’s deeds, and regardless of whether you believe in the existence of God, there is no doubt that your fate is determined by God, and there is no doubt that God will always hold sovereignty over all things” (“Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst God’s Management”). In this car accident, I personally saw God’s wonderful deeds and experienced His great love. If it had not been for God’s care and protection, I would have also broken my arms or legs, or even lost my life, just like the victims of other accidents that day. After this accident, my husband and relatives, who used to oppose my belief in God, became convinced that what I believe in is the true God, and some of them have accepted God’s work in the last days. Now, I am even more resolved to follow God, and all that I wish is to perform my duty as a creature to repay God’s love, and to worship and love God with a true heart. All glory goes to God!

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