Bible Verse–Proverbs 10:27

The fear of the LORD prolongs days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.

Why Should We Christians Pray Without Ceasing?

What does praying without ceasing refer to? Regarding the apostle Paul’s words “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), many people interpret them as constantly speaking to God and consider it a very difficult thing to accomplish. In fact, praying witho...

I Saw God’s Almightiness and Sovereignty in a Fire

By Jizhen One day in late October of 2014, at past 3 p.m., my husband ran home in a great fluster. As soon as he crossed the threshold, he said breathlessly, “A large fire has broken out in the north fields. It’s going to spread to our house. There is no ti...

By Sincerely Relying on God, You Will See a Miracle

By Xiaoping Every time when I think about the viral Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (HFMD) in 2012, my heart is still fluttering with fear. This sudden plague caused a particularly high mortality rate among the kids suffering from HFMD. My son was one of them. Howe...

Bible Verses–Psalm 145:18–19

Jehovah is near to all them that call on Him, to all that call on Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of them that fear Him: He also will hear their cry, and will save them.