God Is Always at Our Side

February 29, 2020

By Liu Bin

Editor’s note: Dear brothers and sisters, peace to you in the Lord! You may be at a low point in your life at the moment. But believe me, God is always with us. As long as we truly trust in Him, He will give us the most selfless support and help at any time. … The topic that I’ll share with you today is: God Will Never Abandon You When You Are Dejected.

I heard of a story which went like this from my friend: A businessman ran a big company and had abundant assets. His relatives and friends all received a lot of help from him. However, when an economic crisis forced his company into bankruptcy, none of his relatives and friends gave him a helping hand, so he wanted to kill himself to end everything. But when he was close to death, he recalled that someone talked to him about believing in God and said God could help people achieve their own wishes. Thus he thought why not ask for God. Afterward, he wrote a letter, which said he needed food, and put it into the mailbox, sending it to God. A mailman saw it and then took food to the businessman. Next, the businessman wrote God again that he needed clothes, a bicycle, and so on. And he received all these things. He felt it strange and wondered the reason, and then he asked the mailman. The mailman told the businessman that he had believed in God for many years and that there was a voice telling him this thing in his dream, so he did according to the instruction in his dream. The businessman was touched. He knew that God didn’t abandon him but helped him through the mailman. As a result, the businessman had the determination to follow God and walk a new path in life.

The businessman seemed to be unfortunate, but in fact, he was lucky. The rough experience made him see clearly the heartlessness and coldness among people; in the meantime, he also saw God’s love was so deep and actual, and that God was right by his side and never far away. After undergoing the setbacks, he had a new knowledge of God. In the end, he entered into the embrace of God step by step. The short story, which is thought-provoking, makes us lost in thought. Today, in the real society, people put money and interests above all and there are no true feelings between people. When we have money and power, many people surround us. But when we are in adversity, those people who toadied to us in the past go far away quietly. I believe many people have been frustrated by the reality, then have seen through the fickleness of the world, and have become disheartened. But an undeniable point is this: God’s love for us never changes all the time. When we are sad, He always comforts us; when we are negative, He encourages us; when we are dejected, He inspirits us; when we meet problems, He gives us the most practical help. How many times when we are in hopeless straits is it God that gives us the hope and courage that keeps us living.

This reminded me of a passage of God’s word: “Among all the people, matters, and things you can sense in this world, only God’s selflessness is real and concrete, because only God’s love for you is unconditional and unblemished. Apart from God, anyone else’s so-called unselfishness is all fake, superficial, disingenuous; it has a purpose, certain intentions, carries a tradeoff, and cannot stand to be tested. You could even say that it is filthy, contemptible” (“God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I”). I benefited a lot from these words. Indeed. In this world, only God pays everything for us without demands or repayment. He cares and protects each one of us silently, and watches by our side honestly. His love for us has nothing impure and He makes no demands. This depends on the substance of God. Such a faithful essence of God is not possessed by anyone who is corrupted.

When we know the substance of God in real experience, when we understand God’s love and supply from the small matters around us in real life, we will trust in and look up to Him truly. When we truly rely on God, maybe “the mailman from Heaven” will be by our side.

Bible Verse–Ecclesiastes 4:9

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.

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In the day when I cried you answered me, and strengthened me with strength in my soul.

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That you may walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous.

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