Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael

Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael - Genesis 16 1 Now Sarai Abram's wife bore him no children: and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar. 2 And Sarai said to Abram, Behold now, the LORD has restrained me from bearing: I pray you, go in to my maid; it...

Bible Verse–Proverbs 3:13

Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding.

Bible Verse–Philemon 1:17

Philemon 1:17 17If you count me therefore a partner, receive him as myself.

Why Did Job Curse the Day of His Birth

At dusk, a grizzled old man was sitting among the ashes. His bare skin was covered with sore boils and these boils were festering and oozing pus, which was too horrifying. Seen from the look on his face, the old man was extremely grieved but he was very sil...

Why Didn’t Paul’s teacher, Gamaliel, Gain God’s Salvation?

By Xiaoding Such an incident is recorded in Acts in the Bible: Around A.D. 35, under the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the apostles of the Lord Jesus preached His salvation everywhere. At that time, through those apostles the Lord performed many signs and wonders...