Bible Study on John 9: Why Jesus Said, “If You Were Blind, You Should Have No Sin?”

A “blind” person, as the name suggests, is someone who has his eyes wide open but cannot see anything. This is a metaphor for those who lack knowledge and are nearly illiterate. When it comes to this phrase, some brothers and sisters may ask: What has this phr...

Who Is My Rock in Times of Life and Death?

My name is Liu Mei and I’m 62. Earlier this year, a sudden illness affected me and made me quite helpless. In that life-and-death crisis, I had no family by my side and I could only pray to God and rely on Him to save me. Through the experience, I saw that lif...

Reflection on the Story of Wolves and the Deer

Zhixin Maybe you have ever heard a story like this: In the Kaibab Forest, there was a herd of deer, and also a pack of fierce wolves which always sought opportunities to kill the deer. The locals were full of pity for the deer, so they often took guns for ...

What Does “He That Believes on the Son Has Everlasting Life” Really Mean?

By Jingyuan “The Lord Jesus said: ‘But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life’ (John 4:14). He also said: ‘He that believes...

King Solomon’s Trouble: Emptiness

I felt very puzzled every time I read the Book of Ecclesiastes; it says: “I sought in my heart to give myself to wine, yet acquainting my heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do...

4 Essential Principles of Christians Interacting With Others

By Wang Zihan For many people, dealing with people is the biggest problem they have. In real life, we will encounter many people. Some are to our liking, but some just rub us up the wrong way. As Christians, how should we treat the people around us? What ki...