Bible Verse–Psalm 124:8

Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.

Bible Verse–Matthew 27:53

And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared to many.

Bible Verses–Jonah 1:1-3

Jonah 1:1-3 1Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, 2Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. 3But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, and ...

Bible Verse–Proverbs 19:1

Proverbs 19:1 Better is the poor that walks in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.

Bible Verse–Romans 14:12

Romans 14:12 12So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.